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Tuesday, June 21 2011

With years of experience under our belts, there are a few issues that seem to rear their ugly heads over and over again with respect to domain name registrations. In an effort to help save YOU from this headache (although in most cases it actually becomes a real nightmare just a mere headache!)

  1. PRINT your domain name purchase receipt and keep it in a file. Having a hard copy of this receipt can save you hours of your time later on down the road.
  2. BOOKMARK your domain registrars website. Your domain registrar is the place where you actually purchased your domain name. For instance, is a domain registrar. If you purchase your insurance agency domain name from there, you would want to bookmark that location so that you can easily get back there to update your records, renew your domain, etc...
  3. WRITE DOWN your username and password and keep it in a safe place.
  4. MOST IMPORTANT!!! When you register a domain name, it will always ask you for an email address. This email address becomes a part of the registration - which ultimately means - you MUST have access to that email account if you ever lose your login information, need to respond to a domain name legal challenge, want to renew your domain and the list goes on! We highly recommend that you use an email account that isn't dependant on whether you stay at the same job, live in the same city, or switch internet service providers or not. If you lose your job, move away or change internet providers, what happens to the email address associated with it? YOU LOSE ACCESS TO IT!

    Use a free email account service by a reputible provider such as or Just make sure that you login into it once every few weeks so that you keep the account active.

There. That's our two cents on domain name registrations!

Posted by: Andrea Shepherd AT 09:04 am   |  Permalink   |  Email