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    Mobile Content Management System


    Why would I want a "mobile" website? Isn't my "regular" website good enough?

    Mobile matters to your agency! Insurance Web Designs' includes mobile websites with your order, automatically. No more trying to shove "desktop-size" graphics down a tiny smartphones throat!

    Our websites include built–in “auto–detection” which ensures Smartphone or tablet users can easily see your mobile website, while desktop and laptop users see your site in full size.

    Go Ahead and Take the Smartphone Test. Visit your website on a smartphone. Does it pass this mobile checklist test?
    • The site loads fast with no lag?
    • The phone number is big and easy to find?
    • The text is in an easy to read font and you don't have to zoom in to read it?
    • There’s just one photo, and it’s big and easily recognizable?
    • When you “click” the phone number you have the option to instantly call?
    • Is your address clickable and does it open maps on a smartphone automatically?
    Does your Website pass the test? If not, the fix is a Mobile Website.

    When you order your insurance agency website, your mobile site is part of the deal.